This site is from a past semester! The current version will be here when the new semester starts.

Weekly ScheduleTutorials

Weekly Briefings

Weekly briefing are short weekly sessions (>1hr) conducted by the course lecturer(s) to wrap up the current week and brief you about the upcoming week.

This course does not have lectures, as the course is using the blended learning mode. Course content are delivered as an online textbook accompanied by pre-recorded videos, instead of using lectures as the main method of content delivery. We still have a lecture slot/venue though.

In most weeks we use the lecture slot/venue for weekly briefings. In some weeks we use it for important events such as the practical exam.

Timing/venue: UTown-AUD2 | Friday 1600-1800


  • The first weekly briefing will be released as a pre-recorded video.
  • From week 2, weekly briefing will be in hybrid mode (i.e., you can attend F2F or via Zoom or watch the recording later) from the 2nd week onwards. The Zoom link will be available in Canvas course homepage.

Scope: A weekly briefing is usually about 1 hour, and aims to,

  • recap the past week, clarify common doubts
  • preview the next week
  • motivate you to tackle the weekly tasks coming up
  • contextualize various 'moving parts' of the course and keep you anchored to the 'big picture'

Slides: Briefing slides will be uploaded to Canvas after the briefing. Those slides are not suited for printing or to be used as a reference during the lecture/exams. They are only an aid for briefing delivery.

Attendance: Weekly briefings are optional to attend/watch. You are free to speed-watch the recording to save time (instead of joining live) or skip them altogether (if you are already saturated by the rest of the course activities).

Weekly ScheduleTutorials