Week 9 [Mon, Oct 14th] - Summary

Similar to the previous week, you are encouraged to try this week's tutorial questions before the actual tutorial. Otherwise we might not have enough time to finish all the questions during the tutorial hour.


  • [W9.1] Conceptual Class Diagrams (aka OODMs)

  • [W9.2] Activity Diagrams

  • [W9.3] Conceptualizing a Design

  • [W9.4] Architecture Diagrams: Drawing

  • [W9.5] Design Principles

  • [W9.6] [Revisiting] SDLC Process Models

  • [W9.7] SDLC Process Models (continued)

  • [W9.8] Writing Developer Documents

Full ToC


  1. Submit weekly quiz

tP: v1.3

  1. Plan the first product release (v1.3)
  2. Manage the iteration, and deliver v1.3 Thu, Oct 17th 23:59