ToolsParticipation Marks


There is no midterm exam. Information about the final exam (which counts for 30% of the final grade) is given below.

Instructions below are from the previous semester. Will be updated closer to the exam.

Video [Course Briefing Video] Final Exam (12 minutes)

Exam admin info to note

  1. Schedule/venue: The final exam will be as per the normal exam schedule, which will be sent to you by the Registrar's Office (or you can find via EduRec -> Academics -> Exams -> View exam schedule). You can find the date/time from NUSMODS as well.
  2. Scope:
    • All topics in the textbook, excluding level 4 topics, are examinable. For your convenience, you can view the examinable portion of the textbook in this printable view of the textbook (same as the PDF version of the textbook provided to you).
    • In addition, you are expected to be aware of SE-related things (i.e., tools, techniques, concepts) encountered while dong the iP and the tP e.g., Was testing technique X used in the tP?.
      That is, you are expected to strengthen your SE knowledge (not just hands-on skills) as you do the course projects -- in particular, to be able to connect theory to practice.
  3. Mode: F2F, using Examplify. You need to bring your own device (iPads not allowed), which can connect to the NUS Wi-Fi network.
    Please use these resources if you haven't used Examplify in the recent past (the behavior may be different from the version you used last semester):
    • slides (refer to the slides on On-Campus exam)
    • video (refer to the Examplify Student Briefing video)
    • try a few practice exams provided in the above two
    • write to NUS CIT ( if you run into any technical issues.
    • if you do not have a working laptop for the exam, please contact IT Care directly for a laptop loan (for exam purpose only)
  4. Not required to record the screen.
  5. The exam is open-book. Soft/hard copies of documents are allowed, including written notes.
  6. No Internet access will be allowed during the exam. However, you need to be connected to the WiFi (for Examplify to upload your answers).
    • Examplify will be configured to disable Internet access while you are answering questions on Examplify.
    • Even when Examplify is not blocking the Internet, you are not to access the Internet.
    • Exit all non-essential applications (e.g., Telegram) that may be running in the background and connected to the Internet.
    • You are strongly discouraged from using Do not use Web Browsers to view local files.
      Reason: invigilators will not be able to distinguish viewing local files from visiting online websites, and might have to talk to you (while the exam clock is still running) to verify that you are not accessing external sites.
  7. The course website will not be accessible during the exam, as there is no Internet access.
    • Recommended: Use the PDF files (e.g., textbook, coding standard) provided in Canvas which cover the examinable part of the course website.
    • If you really want to access the course website, one option is to run a local copy of it in your computer. The setup instructions are given in the panel below. Caveats: the search feature of the local course website will only search headings, as the third-party search service used by the course website will not be available due to lack of Internet.

Setting up a local copy of the course website in your computer

  1. Use of other software applications (e.g., note taking applications) during the exam: you should not use any special-purpose application that can,
      (a) give you an unfair advantage over the other exam takers, or,
      (b) go against the goal of the exam,
    even if your action was not explicitly prohibited by the exam rules.
    Use of AI to answer exam questions (e.g., local LLMs) is not allowed in particular.

  2. Download all parts of the exam before you come to the exam (i.e., parts 1, 2, 3). We'll give you the password for opening each part at the exam, at the respective starting time of each part.
    You will be notified when they are ready for download (typically, around 24 hours before the exam start time).

  3. If you have a doubt/query about a question, or want to make an assumption about a question, please write it down in the 'NOTES' text box. Do not try to communicate those with the invigilator during the exam. (reason: at an exam of this scale, it is not practical to clarify such doubts on-the-spot on a timely manner). We'll take your doubt/query/assumption into account when grading. For example, if many had queries about a specific question, we can conclude that the question is unclear and omit it from grading.

Submitting doubts/assumptions/feedback for a question:

  1. Click on TOOL KIT.

  2. Click on the NOTES tab, if it is not selected already.

  3. Type in your doubt/assumption/query/feedback in the text box. e.g.,

    Doubt: is there an error in this diagram?
    Assumption: no other entities are involved in this interaction.
  4. Tick the REQUEST FEEDBACK checkbox. If you don't, the note will not be saved!!!

  1. Bring your computer fully charged, although some charging points will be available at the exam venue (so, bring the charger too).
    • FAQ: My laptop battery is weak. Can I be put in a seat near a charging point?
      A: The standard operation procedure for digital exams: Some venues have charging points within reach of every seat. If that's not the case, you will be moved to another location with a charging point when your laptop power level reaches a low level. Pre-allocating you a seat with a charging point is not feasible, as the number of such requests can easily exceed the number of charging points in the venue.
  2. You must start the exam within 5 minutes of receiving the password or else the quiz will close before your allotted time has run out.


  • The exam will be divided into 3 parts.
  • Although the official duration of the exam is 1.5 hours, note that the actual exam might take up to 2 hours (due to technical issues). So, please don't schedule anything important right after the exam.

Final exam - part 1

  • A quiz containing 16 MCQ questions. All questions are estimated to be equal size/difficulty.
  • You only need to answer 15 questions correctly to get full marks. The extra question is there to cushion you against careless mistakes or misinterpreting a question.
  • Questions will appear in random order.
  • You will not be able to go back to previous questions.
    1. To minimize opportunities for collusion or over-the-shoulder copying from others (the risk of the latter is higher in this type of exam due to the upright exam device screens being easily visible to other exam takers).
    2. Not unreasonable for the materials tested, nature of the questions, and the proficiency level expected -- i.e., when using this knowledge in a real life SE project discussion, it will be rare for you to go back to revise what you said earlier in the discussion
  • Duration: 35 minutes (recommended: allocate 2 minutes per question, which gives you a 3 minutes buffer)
  • Most MCQ question have a short-answer follow-up question.
  • Here is an example question. The answer is a and the answer to the follow-up question can be OOP is only one of the choices for an SE project.

Sample question 1

Choose the incorrect statement.

Why is it incorrect? ______

  • Here is another example question. Note the [SELECT ALL] at the start of the question text, which tells you that this question can have multiple correct answers, and you need to select all of them i.e., it is a checkbox type question
    The answer is C, D.

Sample question 2

[SELECT ALL] Which of these are UML diagrams depicting behavior (as opposed to structure)?.

A. Class diagrams.
B. Object diagrams.
C. Activity diagrams.
D. Sequence diagrams.
E. Gantt charts.

Final exam - part 2

  • You will be asked to draw some UML diagrams, to be hand-drawn on paper (not on a tablet).
    You may use pencils if you wish.
  • Duration: 20 minutes
  • The questions will be in an encrypted PDF file that will be given to you in advance. The password will only be given at the start of this section.
  • Bring the following when you come to the exam:
    • 1-2 sheets of A4 size paper, for drawing diagrams.
    • Recommended: Something with a hard flat surface (e.g., a hardcover book) to put underneath the papers when drawing the diagrams. This is in case the arm rest of the exam venue chairs (or the area of the table) doesn't have enough space for both your laptop and drawing work.
  • You are not allowed to use IDEs or software that can generate diagrams from code.
  • At the end of the exam (i.e., after all three parts are over), you need to submit the diagrams.
  • These diagrams will not be graded directly. Instead, you will use them when answering part 3 of the exam.
    However, we may use the diagrams to give some consolation marks should you score very low in the corresponding MCQ questions.
    For that purpose, the papers will be collected at the end of the full exam (i.e., after part 3 is over).

Final exam - part 3

  • Similar to part 1 (e.g., 16 questions, same length).
  • Some questions will refer to the UML diagrams that you drew in part 2.
  • After the part 3 password has been released, you are not allowed to update the UML diagrams, until you start the part 3.
    Reason: to prevent students delaying the start of part 3 to gain extra drawing time.
  • You may modify your UML diagrams after you have started part 3 on Examplify.
    Reminder: diagrams are not graded.
  • You may refer the PDF file used in part 2 during this part too.

Exam preparation resources

The following exam resources will be available from the start of week 13.

  • The exam briefing video:
Video [Course Briefing Video] Final Exam (12 minutes)

  • A mock exam (consisting of just a few questions) is available on Examplify. You can use it to get familiar with the quiz format that will be used for the final exam. Password: Hello123
    Model answers are in Canvas/files/handouts.
  • A practice exam of same format/length/difficulty as the actual exam will be available at least one week before the exam.
    You can use it to practice your timing/pace. Multiple attempts are allowed.
    • Recommended:
      • Watch the exam briefing video and finish studying the topics before you attempt the practice exam, to get its full benefit.
      • Do the mock exam (to get used to the software and question structure) before the practice exam.
    • Where to find it:
    • Model answers are available on Canvas/files/handouts.
  • Some extra practice questions for exam part 2 are in Canvas/files/handouts -- look for the file Additional practice questions for part 2.pdf
  • All weekly quizzes will be reopened on Canvas Quizzes. You can retake them to self-test your knowledge (note: retaking them will not affect participation marks).
  • Recordings of all tutorial Zoom sessions should be available in a file named Recordings.docx inside your tutorial group's MS Team (in the 'Files' section). Remind your tutor to update that file if recording links are missing.
  • Recordings of all weekly briefings are available on the Canvas home page.
  • The Topics Overview video given below explains how course topics fit into a big picture, and as a bonus, touches on some exam-like questions as well.
Video [Course briefing video] Topics overview aka the 'big picture' (19 mins)

  • PDF files useful for the exam (given in Canvas/files/handouts):
    • Full textbook
    • UML reference sheet
    • Java coding standard
    • Topics infographic (shows how the various topics fit into the big picture)

ToolsParticipation Marks