Week 7 [Mon, Sep 30th] - Summary

[MUST-WATCH] Course Briefing Segment - tP (Part 2)

Noticed anything odd about the videos below?

In these two videos, we used an AI-driven text-to-speech tool to create some parts of the narrations, as an experiment. See if you can spot which parts are AI-generated and which parts are not.

tP Briefing (Part 2a -- v1.1, Workflow)

Video 6 mins

tP Briefing (Part 2b -- v1.2-v1.6, PE, Grading, Workload)

Video 6 mins


  • [W7.1] Requirements: Use Cases

  • [W7.2] Design: High-Level View

  • [W7.3] Design: Fundamentals

  • [W7.4] IDEs: Advanced Features : OPTIONAL

  • [W7.5] Integration Approaches

  • [W7.6] Project Mgt: Scheduling and Tracking

  • [W7.7] Project Mgt: Workflows

Full ToC


  1. Submit weekly quiz


  1. [Optional] Get more out of the iP

tP: v1.1

  1. Do a 'workflow practice' session Thu, Oct 3rd 23:59
  2. Update the project website
  3. Update the DG: user stories, glossary, NFRs, use cases
  4. Start the next iteration