This site is from a past semester! The current version will be here when the new semester starts.

Week 4 [Mon, Sep 2nd] - Admin

  1. Accept GitHub invitation from the course organization
  2. Submit weekly quiz

1 Accept GitHub invitation from the course organization

  • We will be adding you all to cs2103-AY2425S1 github org. Please accept the invitation sent by GitHub as you need to be a member of the org for some of the future course activities. If you did not receive the invitation link, you can use the link
  • Worth 2 participation points

2 Submit weekly quiz

  • Weekly quiz: Read weekly topics allocated for this week and submit the weekly quiz before the quiz deadline (i.e., before the following weekly briefing).

+ Other info relevant to this week:

FAQ Why very narrow project scope?

FAQ Why can't I use my favorite tool/framework/language etc.?