This site is from a past semester! The current version will be here when the new semester starts.

Week 11 [Mon, Oct 28th] - Tutorial

Week 11 Tutorial Video

Graded activity: The in-video quiz in this video will be used to assess participation for this tutorial.

Deadline to watch this tutorial (and answer the in-video quiz): Mon, Nov 4th 23:59

Before watching the video:

  1. If you did not attend the last weekly briefing (in which we did the CATcher load testing), watch the first 15 minutes of the briefing recording, as the question discussed during that time is highly related to this tutorial.
  2. As usual, learn this week's topics (and ideally, submit the Canvas quiz), so that you have the necessary knowledge for this tutorial.
VideoWeek 11 Tutorial (30 minutes)

1 Exercise: Equivalence partitions, boundary values

  • Do the following exercise as directed by the tutor.

Design test cases for the day parameter

2 Exercise: Combining multiple test inputs

  • Do the following exercise similar to the previous one.

Combine test inputs for the consume method

3 Exercise: Apply design patterns

  • Do the following exercise similar to the previous one.

Apply the suitable pattern

4 Exercise: Patterns in the tP

  1. Does AB3 use the MVC pattern?
  2. Does AB3 use the Observer pattern?