This site is from a past semester! The current version will be here when the new semester starts.

Week 5 [Mon, Sep 9th] - Tutorial

The tutorial is held F2F from this week onwards. See the tutorials page for more info.

1 Discuss code quality problems of iP PRs

  1. Find the PR you have been allocated to discuss (expand the the panel below). If the allocated PR is not available or suitable, you can choose the fallback option, and failing that, any random PR.

    PR allocation

    Your username PR to review Fallback PR to review
    1st2GetThisName martout2002's PR obrona's PR
    AbdulrahmanAlRammah jian7490's PR JagdeepSinghNUS's PR
    AgentHagu notnotmax's PR blackpanther9229's PR
    Airiinnn rithanisk's PR ashea10's PR
    Al-ez MAOXIONGKAI's PR FYL2003's PR
    AlekKwek18 wujiaweijoanna's PR jan-kai1's PR
    AlphaPyke riccoljy's PR dominopizzaaaa's PR
    AmadeusEka jewiteo's PR kohkakohla's PR
    Andrew22Teoh Chronoxy's PR kevin-pek's PR
    AngPengXuan limyuquan's PR mrnobody0505's PR
    Ansel-Ch sooyitao's PR SamsonChew's PR
    Anvita2110 Slipperybara's PR Raghava-Chittidi's PR
    AppleJem keithxun's PR AbdulrahmanAlRammah's PR
    Arnaxx54 reginateh's PR Gra7ityIC3's PR
    Arren11111 wang-h-z's PR Elinengu's PR
    ArtillerySun marcusjhang's PR yu-sutong's PR
    BlazeChron snowstopxt's PR Jianwen0451's PR
    Bonzzz3 Nihirraa's PR hm-yang1's PR
    Brendan8899 mingyang143's PR YangQF2002's PR
    BuffWuff1712 Nigeltzy's PR Shux347's PR
    BunnyHoppp AlekKwek18's PR wujiaweijoanna's PR
    C5hives PrishaVP's PR luileng's PR
    CJianzhi wuzengfu's PR avrilmohh's PR
    CYX22222003 nws321's PR gavinsoh's PR
    ChenLeiyu arnav-goel10's PR ruiming97's PR
    ChinSekYi thenosewizard's PR Tanziyanghenry's PR
    Chronoxy kevin-pek's PR justsparsh's PR
    Clarenceeey jktang14's PR AlphaPyke's PR
    CreditableX TY1Fan's PR miloaisdino's PR
    DINESH1201 wes-w-z-h's PR anselmlong's PR
    DKHB0207 samriddh2145's PR flyingsalsa's PR
    DanzaSeah dwsc37's PR taniathng's PR
    Darren-Tung Bonzzz3's PR Nihirraa's PR
    DennieDan brendanng7's PR benjiBase's PR
    DesSnowy kikokidayo's PR noth-k's PR
    DiegoTheExplorar vicelyav's PR ITLimJiaWei's PR
    Dino-Nuggies YINZE66's PR curtischang2510's PR
    Dinoman44 zyng233's PR sayomaki's PR
    Dominic-Khoo JovenSoh's PR t-leongchuan's PR
    Domokunx tohjh's PR Eru111's PR
    Droas590 Xczheng0105's PR naythee169's PR
    EdaYeo M-kew's PR itsnotsherm's PR
    Edsel-Tan zacharyxzz's PR Fui03's PR
    Edwin1022 kvernnn's PR SlothyCat's PR
    Elinengu yizhong187's PR CYX22222003's PR
    Eru111 Ponharish's PR rithiklenin's PR
    EthanLoww LemonDrew's PR The0nlyJuan's PR
    EyuGongYi chashaobao123's PR Wnayar's PR
    FYL2003 rahula1008's PR FlyingDonkeys's PR
    Feng1231 meatyturtle's PR tayxuenye's PR
    FionaQY hooyushing's PR apollo-tan's PR
    Fluffykan jonushzw's PR yuvrajaryan's PR
    FlyingDonkeys ethan-goh's PR izruff's PR
    FooChao Shantaa's PR JYL27's PR
    FriedCabbageSalad clarissatjx's PR iamdiluxedbutcooler's PR
    Fui03 nathanshew's PR MingYiAw's PR
    G-Y-Chan mattisongjj's PR lrongyi's PR
    GabrielCWT btbrandon's PR sandyk0105's PR
    GavinSin sannie-beep's PR weibinlim's PR
    Gilbb ryenl's PR linedoestrolling's PR
    Gra7ityIC3 DanzaSeah's PR dwsc37's PR
    Green-Tea-123 marraknas's PR chuajunyu's PR
    GuanpengR yiiilonggg's PR MinkhantEain's PR
    HanB1n bryancheny's PR dominic2412's PR
    Haris-Irfan ywllowsensor's PR appleshill's PR
    Harithhh06 Rachelcoll's PR lithops-zty's PR
    Hoodini231 choaticman's PR RadieonAjax's PR
    ITLimJiaWei WeiHanWong's PR Jasperabez's PR
    ITZXITZX karthickkc's PR huangjiaxi1111's PR
    IanCheah slye20's PR vinceg4's PR
    Incogdino kaajinn's PR tohhengxing's PR
    InfinityTwo Sornsornah's PR adipanda2002's PR
    IsaacPangTH KiKuasaurus's PR DesSnowy's PR
    ItsMeNengYi chongsun2002's PR yu7ong's PR
    IzN432 chiangqinkang's PR jevan13's PR
    JJtan2002 Johnwz123's PR leroychiu20's PR
    JYL27 Oceankoh's PR bmanara's PR
    JagdeepSinghNUS Dino-Nuggies's PR YINZE66's PR
    Jalenleeruixian engyuhan's PR yimjianbing's PR
    Jasperabez nigellqx's PR Nicholaskoh1's PR
    Jayden-Kim-NUS jloh02's PR SeanWong2's PR
    Jaynon yong-zhuo's PR darkmoongreatsword's PR
    JellyPenguinnn nihalramesh12629's PR kngys's PR
    JiaYi-Gallium369 niclammm's PR gnoossk's PR
    Jianwen0451 JumpyJay's PR zienxu's PR
    JoanneHing zhou-colla's PR taggyhan's PR
    Johnwz123 leroychiu20's PR clarud's PR
    Jollybomber cshao02's PR rynlwhh's PR
    JovenSoh t-leongchuan's PR prave1n's PR
    Judy1x4 waihongteh's PR bigismols's PR
    JumpyJay zienxu's PR celeschai's PR
    JunLongling linette-g's PR Vatinius's PR
    Justin-Aw46 BuffWuff1712's PR Nigeltzy's PR
    Justin-Yeo Judy1x4's PR waihongteh's PR
    Justincjr RobotWizzard's PR jolwnn's PR
    KengHian XinghuaJulia's PR potaotototo's PR
    KennethTeo2002 matthewyip1511's PR LimKaiWei's PR
    KennyLewi awdse22's PR GabrielCWT's PR
    KiKuasaurus DesSnowy's PR kikokidayo's PR
    Kitty-001 Nimastic's PR kienvumrpm's PR
    KrashKart Justin-Aw46's PR BuffWuff1712's PR
    L-rrrr yyihaoc's PR Arnaxx54's PR
    LOLIPOP-INTELLIGENCE Siddardar's PR Timenikhil's PR
    LeeZeHao voldiemort's PR chenle228's PR
    LemonDrew The0nlyJuan's PR reidenong's PR
    LeongWZ xinweichong's PR chongtzezhao's PR
    LiHaixin000 yuanchengg's PR bbbbcccd's PR
    LimErnest SherniceSng's PR maertan's PR
    LimKaiWei estellelim's PR weijianwong's PR
    LingZiyann muhdbhz's PR AgentHagu's PR
    LinkesV minhao23's PR Ma-Xizi's PR
    LiuYJ2002 zzibo's PR frymash's PR
    LowXiSi KennethTeo2002's PR matthewyip1511's PR
    LynetteLeeSiYing samuelthen's PR hogretup's PR
    M-kew itsnotsherm's PR jtooya's PR
    MAOXIONGKAI FYL2003's PR rahula1008's PR
    Ma-Xizi BunnyHoppp's PR AlekKwek18's PR
    Meowloid bryanckh's PR W3iZhi's PR
    MiloTruck Gilbb's PR ryenl's PR
    MingYiAw volleyballkickedme's PR keerthigkaarthik's PR
    MinkhantEain QinHaichen12's PR hazzle23's PR
    NgZiXin yooplo's PR Zenkoh1's PR
    Nicholas-Cheng-De-Fei jason-chuah's PR Quasant's PR
    NicholasCWK ITZXITZX's PR karthickkc's PR
    NicholasT1 adriantan101's PR wrjgold's PR
    Nicholascyx thisisaditya17's PR ritvi12's PR
    Nicholaskoh1 rubinnn's PR seandias's PR
    Nigeltzy Shux347's PR michaelyql's PR
    Nihirraa hm-yang1's PR lavanyagarg112's PR
    Nimastic kienvumrpm's PR publicmain's PR
    NorbertLoh Green-Tea-123's PR marraknas's PR
    O-Darren kaikquah's PR ahmadsyuaib's PR
    Oceankoh bmanara's PR yockcheng's PR
    OrangeCatLoves SKarthikeyan28's PR raihahahan's PR
    OttoTan VedJoshi's PR ignatiusoey09's PR
    Peanuts359 Andrew22Teoh's PR Chronoxy's PR
    PeterHW963 hovanleong's PR Arren11111's PR
    Plishh G-Y-Chan's PR mattisongjj's PR
    Ponharish rithiklenin's PR zackjh's PR
    Potatoad88 hj235's PR maahir-garg's PR
    PresleyChew CreditableX's PR TY1Fan's PR
    PrishaVP luileng's PR Potatoad88's PR
    Professional-Procrastinat0r seah-minlong's PR george-yeo's PR
    QinHaichen12 hazzle23's PR yanhwee's PR
    Quasant Jollybomber's PR cshao02's PR
    QuekBingHeng O-Darren's PR kaikquah's PR
    Rachael-Chan NorbertLoh's PR Green-Tea-123's PR
    Rachelcoll lithops-zty's PR Solomon0519's PR
    RadieonAjax harithh07's PR ttzuche's PR
    Raghava-Chittidi yongqqqq's PR SherChew27's PR
    Reallyeasy1 oolongwater's PR rxchell's PR
    RezwanAhmed123 seanlim's PR IanCheah's PR
    RobotWizzard jolwnn's PR arnav12344's PR
    RuijianLu jinhanjinhan's PR lancehaha's PR
    Runus01 ckaayy's PR Professional-Procrastinat0r's PR
    RyanWarwick starbucksventi's PR stephaneleong's PR
    S-K-Y-Light tanwartushar's PR TerenceWongsExtravaganza's PR
    SKarthikeyan28 raihahahan's PR Teddayz's PR
    SQ77 zaidansani's PR Dominic-Khoo's PR
    SSirMentos ethanwangkangen's PR LiuYJ2002's PR
    SamsonChew charlesliyifeng's PR tanyqcollin's PR
    SamuelFoo testing1234567891011121314's PR ty4g1's PR
    SeanFoongjt jayjay19630's PR cweijin's PR
    SeanWong2 munhuikim's PR thony-ui's PR
    SeeYangZhi wkxcass's PR brianchoon's PR
    Shantaa JYL27's PR Oceankoh's PR
    SherChew27 fusin02's PR siriousguy's PR
    SherniceSng maertan's PR pradyuprasad's PR
    Shruthiiii03 C5hives's PR PrishaVP's PR
    Shux347 michaelyql's PR yikjunxian's PR
    Siddardar Timenikhil's PR choiwab's PR
    Slipperybara Raghava-Chittidi's PR yongqqqq's PR
    SlothyCat jeanyang04's PR CJianzhi's PR
    Solomon0519 Soumyadip-cmd's PR devivy's PR
    SooYap GavinSin's PR sannie-beep's PR
    Sornsornah adipanda2002's PR rimgik's PR
    Soumyadip-cmd devivy's PR jessica2828's PR
    SuhailLoya LinkesV's PR minhao23's PR
    SwaminathanViswa xGladiate's PR kellywsq03's PR
    T1duS Reallyeasy1's PR oolongwater's PR
    TY1Fan miloaisdino's PR Tkaixiang's PR
    Tanziyanghenry Brendan8899's PR mingyang143's PR
    TechRaj casperngeen's PR FooChao's PR
    Teddayz teamotitan's PR LeongWZ's PR
    TerenceWongsExtravaganza jarrellc1's PR chengzihao123's PR
    The0nlyJuan reidenong's PR Fluffykan's PR
    TheRareFox meerkatboy's PR OttoTan's PR
    Timenikhil choiwab's PR JoanneHing's PR
    Tkaixiang TheRareFox's PR meerkatboy's PR
    Vangmay sarahteonin's PR tzuennn's PR
    Vatinius zzawook's PR stanleytangzh's PR
    VedJoshi ignatiusoey09's PR Runus01's PR
    Virusrwj223 muller317's PR foothaddeus's PR
    W3iZhi T1duS's PR Reallyeasy1's PR
    WeiHanWong Jasperabez's PR nigellqx's PR
    WinstonJin joeltio's PR shotnothing's PR
    Wnayar jiayr99's PR jiaaaaen's PR
    WuJinhan1 kuiktzecheng's PR EthanLoww's PR
    Wxy2003-xy althea28's PR Shruthiiii03's PR
    Xczheng0105 naythee169's PR itsme-zeix's PR
    XinghuaJulia potaotototo's PR triishaa's PR
    YANYAN-w kahsuann's PR psh12320's PR
    YINZE66 curtischang2510's PR L-rrrr's PR
    YangQF2002 OrangeCatLoves's PR SKarthikeyan28's PR
    ZShunRen ItsMeNengYi's PR chongsun2002's PR
    Zeepheru tingxuanp's PR hpcman's PR
    Zenkoh1 dasha3412's PR juancarlovieri's PR
    ZweZeya gabriellegtw's PR jiaxinnns's PR
    accountexeregister yixianggg's PR audipras's PR
    achl1012 slidings's PR Peanuts359's PR
    adipanda2002 rimgik's PR calebyyy's PR
    aditig0305 JJtan2002's PR Johnwz123's PR
    adriantan101 wrjgold's PR junyi73's PR
    ahmadsyuaib Jaynon's PR yong-zhuo's PR
    aldentantan limjeremy496's PR shuckycheese's PR
    althea28 Shruthiiii03's PR C5hives's PR
    amitha2210 ZweZeya's PR gabriellegtw's PR
    amoschee NgZiXin's PR yooplo's PR
    annabellekk zlch's PR mongj's PR
    anselmlong KennyLewi's PR awdse22's PR
    antgyf saajidshaik02's PR xhamyo's PR
    apollo-tan LOLIPOP-INTELLIGENCE's PR Siddardar's PR
    appleshill LowXiSi's PR KennethTeo2002's PR
    arjun2598 juliantayyc's PR IzN432's PR
    arnav-goel10 ruiming97's PR LeeZeHao's PR
    arnav12344 skyl3-r's PR SeanFoongjt's PR
    ashea10 currynia's PR Kitty-001's PR
    audipras Darren-Tung's PR Bonzzz3's PR
    avrilmohh AmadeusEka's PR jewiteo's PR
    awdse22 GabrielCWT's PR btbrandon's PR
    bbbbcccd weiseng18's PR leslieyip02's PR
    bbryant824 ChenLeiyu's PR arnav-goel10's PR
    beginner-web-developer Feng1231's PR meatyturtle's PR
    benjiBase travisim's PR uniqly's PR
    bigismols isaactodo's PR annabellekk's PR
    blackpanther9229 arjun2598's PR juliantayyc's PR
    blanklogic Domokunx's PR tohjh's PR
    bmanara yockcheng's PR calebchongsj's PR
    brendanng7 benjiBase's PR travisim's PR
    brianchoon xqtann's PR Al-ez's PR
    bryancheny dominic2412's PR shadhankkk's PR
    bryanckh W3iZhi's PR T1duS's PR
    bryanjhc Wxy2003-xy's PR althea28's PR
    btbrandon sandyk0105's PR IsaacPangTH's PR
    calebchongsj antgyf's PR saajidshaik02's PR
    calebyyy gohsl99's PR yongkheehou's PR
    casperngeen FooChao's PR Shantaa's PR
    celeschai vinc3leong's PR rayray39's PR
    charlenetcy choonzies's PR zzzlou's PR
    charlesliyifeng tanyqcollin's PR zeonchew0324's PR
    chashaobao123 Wnayar's PR jiayr99's PR
    chengzihao123 sam-theman88's PR DKHB0207's PR
    chenle228 EyuGongYi's PR chashaobao123's PR
    chiangqinkang jevan13's PR yikyak02's PR
    choaticman RadieonAjax's PR harithh07's PR
    choiwab JoanneHing's PR zhou-colla's PR
    chongsun2002 yu7ong's PR hyxnnii's PR
    chongtzezhao oneBoz's PR sayglenn's PR
    choonzies zzzlou's PR wenjebs's PR
    chrisjohntan Zeepheru's PR tingxuanp's PR
    chuajunyu yugan01's PR weiliann's PR
    ckaayy Professional-Procrastinat0r's PR seah-minlong's PR
    ckclion myrilla12's PR jowhee3011's PR
    clarissatjx iamdiluxedbutcooler's PR waihin26's PR
    clarud Justin-Yeo's PR Judy1x4's PR
    colinac leroytan's PR S-K-Y-Light's PR
    colinhia daronoh's PR Ansel-Ch's PR
    cshao02 rynlwhh's PR e1121208's PR
    cth06-Github emmannyyy's PR ghos7ie's PR
    currynia Kitty-001's PR Nimastic's PR
    curtischang2510 L-rrrr's PR yyihaoc's PR
    cweijin jhqiu21's PR starchypotatocode's PR
    darkmoongreatsword DennieDan's PR brendanng7's PR
    daronoh Ansel-Ch's PR sooyitao's PR
    dasha3412 juancarlovieri's PR lutfir-cpu's PR
    davidgohzk Meowloid's PR bryanckh's PR
    devivy jessica2828's PR Nicholascyx's PR
    dez2003 KengHian's PR XinghuaJulia's PR
    dominic2412 shadhankkk's PR Incogdino's PR
    dominopizzaaaa MiloTruck's PR Gilbb's PR
    dwsc37 taniathng's PR LynetteLeeSiYing's PR
    e1121208 PresleyChew's PR CreditableX's PR
    elliot-tang raageth's PR SwaminathanViswa's PR
    emmannyyy ghos7ie's PR rollingpencil's PR
    engyuhan yimjianbing's PR woke02's PR
    estellelim weijianwong's PR DINESH1201's PR
    ethan-goh izruff's PR blanklogic's PR
    ethantyh692 dez2003's PR KengHian's PR
    ethanwangkangen LiuYJ2002's PR zzibo's PR
    flyingsalsa suhayl13's PR colinhia's PR
    foothaddeus SQ77's PR zaidansani's PR
    frymash WinstonJin's PR joeltio's PR
    fusin02 siriousguy's PR ngjianyi's PR
    fymbc HanB1n's PR bryancheny's PR
    gabriellegtw jiaxinnns's PR achl1012's PR
    gavinsoh tyxiangs's PR ckclion's PR
    george-yeo tansanchian's PR josh1248's PR
    ghos7ie rollingpencil's PR PeterHW963's PR
    gladwintan kushaldas27's PR NicholasT1's PR
    gnoossk verakohh's PR amitha2210's PR
    gohqingkhang tata32000's PR Plishh's PR
    gohsl99 yongkheehou's PR jeremychiaaaaa's PR
    haleemairfan kaoxi998533's PR Rachael-Chan's PR
    hanscau ulricolo7's PR yxtan02's PR
    hansneddyanto jialegitgud's PR RezwanAhmed123's PR
    harithh07 ttzuche's PR SuhailLoya's PR
    hazzle23 yanhwee's PR yanqiyqh's PR
    hj235 maahir-garg's PR trpmy's PR
    hm-yang1 lavanyagarg112's PR charlenetcy's PR
    hogretup davidgohzk's PR Meowloid's PR
    hooyushing apollo-tan's PR LOLIPOP-INTELLIGENCE's PR
    hovanleong Arren11111's PR wang-h-z's PR
    hpcman elliot-tang's PR raageth's PR
    huangjiaxi1111 yhanyi's PR KrashKart's PR
    hweinian beginner-web-developer's PR Feng1231's PR
    hyxnnii kimxw's PR Vangmay's PR
    iamdiluxedbutcooler waihin26's PR natlv's PR
    ignatiusoey09 Runus01's PR ckaayy's PR
    isaactodo annabellekk's PR zlch's PR
    ishan-agarwal-05 jasmiinee's PR seantham21's PR
    itsme-zeix sumomomomomo's PR Edsel-Tan's PR
    itsnotsherm jtooya's PR zhiyi12345's PR
    izruff blanklogic's PR Domokunx's PR
    jan-kai1 Harithhh06's PR Rachelcoll's PR
    jarrellc1 chengzihao123's PR sam-theman88's PR
    jasmiinee seantham21's PR haleemairfan's PR
    jason-chuah Quasant's PR Jollybomber's PR
    jayjay19630 cweijin's PR jhqiu21's PR
    jeanyang04 CJianzhi's PR wuzengfu's PR
    jereeemyyyy JellyPenguinnn's PR nihalramesh12629's PR
    jeremychiaaaaa gladwintan's PR kushaldas27's PR
    jerrelllee ritulkrsingh's PR BlazeChron's PR
    jessica2828 Nicholascyx's PR thisisaditya17's PR
    jevan13 yikyak02's PR yxshrk's PR
    jewiteo kohkakohla's PR shardhrv's PR
    jhqiu21 starchypotatocode's PR ChinSekYi's PR
    jiaaaaen yastsc's PR leowolf275's PR
    jialegitgud RezwanAhmed123's PR seanlim's PR
    jian7490 JagdeepSinghNUS's PR Dino-Nuggies's PR
    jiaxinnns achl1012's PR slidings's PR
    jiayr99 jiaaaaen's PR yastsc's PR
    jinhanjinhan lancehaha's PR GuanpengR's PR
    jinnsuke not-available's PR zi-yii's PR
    jktang14 AlphaPyke's PR riccoljy's PR
    jloh02 SeanWong2's PR munhuikim's PR
    joeltio shotnothing's PR SeeYangZhi's PR
    jolwnn arnav12344's PR skyl3-r's PR
    jolynleow2301 superb-sushi's PR rachelyeohm's PR
    jonushzw yuvrajaryan's PR somethingfishyfishy's PR
    josh1248 Edwin1022's PR kvernnn's PR
    jowhee3011 wubojin's PR yyanyee's PR
    jtooya zhiyi12345's PR RyanWarwick's PR
    juancarlovieri lutfir-cpu's PR thortol's PR
    juliantayyc IzN432's PR chiangqinkang's PR
    junyi73 DiegoTheExplorar's PR vicelyav's PR
    justsparsh NicholasCWK's PR ITZXITZX's PR
    k-hian LiHaixin000's PR yuanchengg's PR
    kaajinn tohhengxing's PR yihuididi's PR
    kahsuann psh12320's PR limyixiang's PR
    kaikquah ahmadsyuaib's PR Jaynon's PR
    kaixuan477 accountexeregister's PR yixianggg's PR
    kaoxi998533 Rachael-Chan's PR NorbertLoh's PR
    karthickkc huangjiaxi1111's PR yhanyi's PR
    keerthigkaarthik miuna9890's PR bryanjhc's PR
    keithxun AbdulrahmanAlRammah's PR jian7490's PR
    kellywsq03 FionaQY's PR hooyushing's PR
    kevin-pek justsparsh's PR NicholasCWK's PR
    kienvumrpm publicmain's PR 1st2GetThisName's PR
    kikokidayo noth-k's PR JiaYi-Gallium369's PR
    kimberlytmq AppleJem's PR keithxun's PR
    kimxw Vangmay's PR sarahteonin's PR
    kngys chrisjohntan's PR Zeepheru's PR
    kohkakohla shardhrv's PR jolynleow2301's PR
    kuiktzecheng EthanLoww's PR LemonDrew's PR
    kushaldas27 NicholasT1's PR adriantan101's PR
    kvernnn SlothyCat's PR jeanyang04's PR
    lancehaha GuanpengR's PR yiiilonggg's PR
    lavanyagarg112 charlenetcy's PR choonzies's PR
    leowolf275 sheenkerr's PR gohqingkhang's PR
    leroychiu20 clarud's PR Justin-Yeo's PR
    leroytan S-K-Y-Light's PR tanwartushar's PR
    leslieyip02 JunLongling's PR linette-g's PR
    liauzhanyi ethantyh692's PR dez2003's PR
    lim-jt Haris-Irfan's PR ywllowsensor's PR
    limjeremy496 shuckycheese's PR jerrelllee's PR
    limyixiang LingZiyann's PR muhdbhz's PR
    limyuquan mrnobody0505's PR Virusrwj223's PR
    linedoestrolling AngPengXuan's PR limyuquan's PR
    linette-g Vatinius's PR zzawook's PR
    lithops-zty Solomon0519's PR Soumyadip-cmd's PR
    lm-44 wassilililily's PR k-hian's PR
    lrongyi TechRaj's PR casperngeen's PR
    luileng Potatoad88's PR hj235's PR
    lutfir-cpu thortol's PR bbryant824's PR
    maahir-garg trpmy's PR Dinoman44's PR
    maertan pradyuprasad's PR ZShunRen's PR
    marchjlim aditig0305's PR JJtan2002's PR
    marcusjhang yu-sutong's PR fymbc's PR
    marraknas chuajunyu's PR yugan01's PR
    martout2002 obrona's PR SSirMentos's PR
    matthewyip1511 LimKaiWei's PR estellelim's PR
    mattisongjj lrongyi's PR TechRaj's PR
    meatyturtle tayxuenye's PR shinichi04's PR
    meerkatboy OttoTan's PR VedJoshi's PR
    michaelyql yikjunxian's PR Jayden-Kim-NUS's PR
    miloaisdino Tkaixiang's PR TheRareFox's PR
    mingyang143 YangQF2002's PR OrangeCatLoves's PR
    minhao23 Ma-Xizi's PR BunnyHoppp's PR
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    reidenong Fluffykan's PR jonushzw's PR
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    rithanisk ashea10's PR currynia's PR
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    ritulkrsingh BlazeChron's PR snowstopxt's PR
    ritvi12 nayanaamahesh's PR FriedCabbageSalad's PR
    rollingpencil PeterHW963's PR hovanleong's PR
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    ruiming97 LeeZeHao's PR voldiemort's PR
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    rynlwhh e1121208's PR PresleyChew's PR
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    sam-theman88 DKHB0207's PR samriddh2145's PR
    samriddh2145 flyingsalsa's PR suhayl13's PR
    samuelthen hogretup's PR davidgohzk's PR
    sandyk0105 IsaacPangTH's PR KiKuasaurus's PR
    sannie-beep weibinlim's PR tckeong's PR
    sarahteonin tzuennn's PR yyueyii's PR
    sayglenn Droas590's PR Xczheng0105's PR
    sayomaki Airiinnn's PR rithanisk's PR
    seah-minlong george-yeo's PR tansanchian's PR
    seandias hweinian's PR beginner-web-developer's PR
    seanlim IanCheah's PR slye20's PR
    seantham21 haleemairfan's PR kaoxi998533's PR
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    shizy amoschee's PR NgZiXin's PR
    shotnothing SeeYangZhi's PR wkxcass's PR
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    skyl3-r SeanFoongjt's PR jayjay19630's PR
    slidings Peanuts359's PR Andrew22Teoh's PR
    slye20 vinceg4's PR colinac's PR
    snowstopxt Jianwen0451's PR JumpyJay's PR
    somethingfishyfishy ossaris56's PR SooYap's PR
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    stanleytangzh InfinityTwo's PR Sornsornah's PR
    starbucksventi stephaneleong's PR YANYAN-w's PR
    starchypotatocode ChinSekYi's PR thenosewizard's PR
    stephaneleong YANYAN-w's PR kahsuann's PR
    suhayl13 colinhia's PR daronoh's PR
    sumomomomomo Edsel-Tan's PR zacharyxzz's PR
    superb-sushi rachelyeohm's PR ylchin's PR
    t-leongchuan prave1n's PR cth06-Github's PR
    taggyhan hansneddyanto's PR jialegitgud's PR
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    tanwartushar TerenceWongsExtravaganza's PR jarrellc1's PR
    tanyqcollin zeonchew0324's PR kimberlytmq's PR
    tata32000 Plishh's PR G-Y-Chan's PR
    tayxuenye shinichi04's PR realqijun's PR
    tckeong shizy's PR amoschee's PR
    teamotitan LeongWZ's PR xinweichong's PR
    testing1234567891011121314 ty4g1's PR Hoodini231's PR
    thenosewizard Tanziyanghenry's PR Brendan8899's PR
    thisisaditya17 ritvi12's PR nayanaamahesh's PR
    thony-ui Anvita2110's PR Slipperybara's PR
    thortol bbryant824's PR ChenLeiyu's PR
    tingxuanp hpcman's PR elliot-tang's PR
    tohhengxing yihuididi's PR winstonlimjy's PR
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    travisim uniqly's PR marchjlim's PR
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    ttzuche SuhailLoya's PR LinkesV's PR
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    tzuennn yyueyii's PR youngseopark05's PR
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    yikjunxian Jayden-Kim-NUS's PR jloh02's PR
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    zyng233 sayomaki's PR Airiinnn's PR
    zzawook stanleytangzh's PR InfinityTwo's PR
    zzibo frymash's PR WinstonJin's PR
    zzzlou wenjebs's PR EdaYeo's PR

    Allocation not available yet...

  2. 10 minutes Find instances of the three code quality problems listed below: Go through the code in the diff view (i.e., the files changed tab), and find instances of following code quality problems (ignore other types of code quality problems)
    a) weak SLAP
    b) nesting problems: arrow-head style code or too-deep nesting
    c) too-long methods

    • If you can't find at least one example, you can try the fallback option provided, and failing that, another random iP PR.
    • You can also select borderline cases.

    Paste screenshots of problematic code in the .pptx the tutor will share with you via MSTeams.

    To identify nesting problems or long methods, zoom out and scroll through the entire PR code to do a visual inspection (no need to read the code line-by-line). After visually locating a method that looks too long/deep, have a closer look to see it can be improved by using better abstraction.

    If existing PR comments are getting in your way, you can hide them using the following option:

    You can use the following setting to try the two different views available and pick the one you like.
  3. 10 minutes Discussion: The tutor will lead a short discussion to go through the problematic code you found.

  4. After the tutorial, you can apply the insights gained from this activity to improve the code quality of your own iP, if necessary.

    You are not required to (but welcome to) post review comments in the PRs you examined.

2 User stories exercise

  • Consider the following user stories a team came up with, for a tP that aims to build a software for tracking travel plans.
1 As a … I can … So that I can … notes
2 first-time user see some sample trips when I open the app easily try out its features without needing to add my data first
3 first-time user see a help message explaining which features I should try first start by trying features that are more suited for new users e.g., "hey you seem to be new. Try adding a trip first"
4 new user ready to adopt the app for my own use purge all data get rid of sample/dummy data and start adding my real data
5 busy user track all trip-related data inside the app save time looking for data
6 user sending trip info to friends via email or telegram
7 user add a trip
8 user delete a trip get rid of trip no longer needed to track
9 user edit trip details correct mistakes I made when adding a trip
10 user view all trip details recall details of trips
11 user see the next upcoming trip details when I open the app save the step of searching for the trip reason: the next upcoming trips is the most likely trip the user may want to see
  • Think of the answers to the following questions. These will be discussed during the tutorial.
    1. Which user stories don’t follow the correct format?
    2. Any of them too big for the tP planning? i.e., cannot be implemented by one person within 1-2 days
    3. Which are must-have features i.e., impossible to use the app without it

3 Prioritize tP user stories

  1. If you haven't done so already, brainstorm for user stories.

  1. If you want to refine your user stories (based on what you learned from the tutorial activity above) that you brainstormed earlier, do that first.

  2. If you haven't done so already, prioritize tP user stories as explained in the panel below.

4 time permitting Create a feature list for the MVP version

  • If there is time left, do the following tP task that is scheduled for the following week.

Admin tP → week 6 → Conceptualize the MVP version

  • Task: Based on your user stories selected previously, conceptualize the MVP in the form of a feature list.
  • Why?: So far, we have user stories we want to include in the MVP version. But user stories simply tell us user needs. To move towards a product design, we need to design product features of the product can fulfill those user needs.

  • Submission: Note down the feature list in your online project notes document.

FAQ How many features should we put in the MVP?