tP comments dashboard

Sorted based on the number of review comments given to others' PRs, but also showing comments on own PRs and other comments given. Updated weekly. Only those who gave at least one are listed in this dashboard.

[This page was last updated on 2024-11-08 @10:32]

1. TOH ..HIAN @KengHian (142 comments)

2. FOO ..CHAO @FooChao (117 comments)

3. KOK ..HANG @C5hives (116 comments)

4. LOW ..THAN @EthanLoww (115 comments)

5. YAP ..ZHUO @yong-zhuo (111 comments)

6. JOEL.. HON @joeltio (106 comments)

7. RACH.. JIA @rxchell (105 comments)

8. YUKN..AJAN @yadobler (103 comments)

9. MATT.. HAO @sumomomomomo (95 comments)

10. HO W..NIAN @hweinian (88 comments)

11. SEAH..LONG @seah-minlong (77 comments)

12. ISAA.. JIE @IzN432 (77 comments)

13. LIM ..XUAN @kaixuan477 (77 comments)

14. CHEN..FENG @Feng1231 (75 comments)

15. HING..XING @JoanneHing (74 comments)

16. AHMA..ALIM @ahmadsyuaib (73 comments)

17. WONG..DAVE @dwsc37 (72 comments)

18. PRES.. LUN @PresleyChew (72 comments)

19. ZHEN.. REN @ZShunRen (71 comments)

20. TAN ..SENG @weiseng18 (69 comments)

21. SOUM..SAHA @Soumyadip-cmd (67 comments)

22. SYCH..ASHA @dasha3412 (65 comments)

23. ZHU ..ANYI @lithops-zty (64 comments)

24. NG K..YANG @awdse22 (63 comments)

25. PEH ..XUAN @tingxuanp (61 comments)

26. GOH ..HANG @gohqingkhang (60 comments)

27. RAVI..GERI @starbucksventi (59 comments)

28. VED ..OSHI @VedJoshi (58 comments)

29. MATT..ERNG @matthewyip1511 (56 comments)

30. PETE..JAYA @PeterHW963 (52 comments)

31. POH ..HOON @choonzies (52 comments)

32. LIN ..INER @XinghuaJulia (52 comments)

33. YIP ..SLIE @leslieyip02 (51 comments)

34. WONG..SLEY @wes-w-z-h (51 comments)

35. MAXI.. LEE @notnotmax (51 comments)

36. JABE..E QI @Jasperabez (50 comments)

37. ZHU ..HIQI @SQ77 (50 comments)

38. LOH .. XIN @jiaxinnns (49 comments)

39. GLAD.. KAI @gladwintan (48 comments)

40. BENJ.. NAN @Quasant (47 comments)

41. SEE .. ZHI @SeeYangZhi (47 comments)

42. NICH.. FEI @Nicholas-Cheng-De-Fei (46 comments)

43. YONG.. HOU @yongkheehou (46 comments)

44. DONG..ANBO @rollingpencil (45 comments)

45. WONG.. JIE @KrashKart (45 comments)

46. LIU .. RUI @L-rrrr (45 comments)

47. LITC..SORN @iamdiluxedbutcooler (45 comments)

48. PRAK..INGH @Dinoman44 (45 comments)

49. LOH ..BERT @NorbertLoh (44 comments)

50. HARI..SHAM @Harithhh06 (43 comments)

51. MUHA..MZAH @muhdbhz (42 comments)

52. SUHA..LOYA @SuhailLoya (42 comments)

53. KENN.. JUN @KennethTeo2002 (41 comments)

54. LAM ..G YI @lrongyi (41 comments)

55. MAO ..GKAI @MAOXIONGKAI (41 comments)

56. ERNE..RONG @somethingfishyfishy (40 comments)

57. CHEN..I YI @zi-yii (40 comments)

58. HENG.. SIN @fusin02 (40 comments)

59. THAD..E AN @foothaddeus (40 comments)

60. LEON.. ZHI @LeongWZ (40 comments)

61. ALEX..ANDY @Airiinnn (40 comments)

62. SOO ..BOON @Green-Tea-123 (39 comments)

63. TAN ..AVAN @kvernnn (37 comments)

64. YEO .. EDA @EdaYeo (36 comments)

65. RAHU..RWAL @rahula1008 (36 comments)

66. TAN .. YEW @itsme-zeix (35 comments)

67. ANDR..HONG @Andrew22Teoh (34 comments)

68. OH Y..MENT @Gra7ityIC3 (34 comments)

69. CHEN..NZHI @CJianzhi (34 comments)

70. KHOO..YIEN @annabellekk (34 comments)

71. RICC..N YU @riccoljy (33 comments)

72. LO Y.. ZHE @Reallyeasy1 (33 comments)

73. QUAH..KIAT @kaikquah (33 comments)

74. TOH .. FAN @TY1Fan (33 comments)

75. HAN ..NTIN @valhrd (33 comments)

76. LI Y..FENG @charlesliyifeng (33 comments)

77. LIM ..IANG @limyixiang (32 comments)

78. PRIS..KASH @PrishaVP (32 comments)

79. ZHAN..NHAN @jinhanjinhan (32 comments)

80. ZACH..YUAN @bbbbcccd (31 comments)

81. KENN..LEWI @KennyLewi (31 comments)

82. NG Z.. XIN @NgZiXin (31 comments)

83. SNG ..NICE @SherniceSng (31 comments)

84. WOLF..ARDO @leowolf275 (31 comments)

85. JO A..O AN @jayjay19630 (31 comments)

86. LIM ..IALE @jialegitgud (30 comments)

87. CHEW..RYAN @bryanjhc (30 comments)

88. TEH ..HONG @waihongteh (29 comments)

89. CHEN..LENG @luileng (29 comments)

90. CURT..XIAN @curtischang2510 (29 comments)

91. YAU .. TOM @lm-44 (28 comments)

92. TAN ..XUAN @e1121208 (28 comments)

93. WONG..JIAN @weijianwong (28 comments)

94. TONG..IMON @uniqly (28 comments)

95. ANSE..LONG @anselmlong (28 comments)

96. TAN ..QUAN @yongqqqq (28 comments)

97. LIN ..UBIN @rubinnn (28 comments)

98. CHEN..IXUN @CYX22222003 (28 comments)

99. SKY ..I YI @S-K-Y-Light (27 comments)

100. TAN ..HIAN @tansanchian (27 comments)

101. LAU ..G YU @DesSnowy (27 comments)

102. CHON.. JIN @cweijin (27 comments)

103. TAN ..ENRY @Tanziyanghenry (26 comments)

104. REZW..HMED @RezwanAhmed123 (26 comments)

105. GOH .. LIN @gohsl99 (26 comments)

106. SIVA..KRAJ @TechRaj (26 comments)

107. NG J..N YI @ngjianyi (26 comments)

108. WANG..IJIE @wrjgold (26 comments)

109. YOU ..YUAN @Slipperybara (26 comments)

110. JOSH.. SEN @josh1248 (26 comments)

111. DINH.. DAN @DennieDan (26 comments)

112. FION..QIAN @FionaQY (26 comments)

113. LIAU..N YI @liauzhanyi (25 comments)

114. DYLA.. LAM @Vatinius (25 comments)

115. HO C..RMAN @itsnotsherm (25 comments)

116. CHON..NSEL @Ansel-Ch (25 comments)

117. WONG.. XIN @wkxcass (25 comments)

118. JAVI.. WEE @Incogdino (24 comments)

119. ARJU..ANAN @arjun2598 (24 comments)

120. KOH ..ESON @blanklogic (24 comments)

121. SIM ..N YI @Droas590 (24 comments)

122. CHEW.. JIE @SamsonChew (24 comments)

123. LIM ..O YI @meatyturtle (24 comments)

124. JERE..N ZE @jereeemyyyy (24 comments)

125. SEAN..SUEN @SeanFoongjt (24 comments)

126. TENG..LOON @BunnyHoppp (23 comments)

127. TOH ..XING @tohhengxing (23 comments)

128. CLIF..KOES @Domokunx (23 comments)

129. LIM ..SEAN @seanlim (22 comments)

130. MA X..XIZI @Ma-Xizi (22 comments)

131. LIM .. WEI @ITLimJiaWei (22 comments)

132. MICH..LONG @michaelyql (22 comments)

133. JONU.. WEN @jonushzw (22 comments)

134. NICH.. LUN @Nicholaskoh1 (22 comments)

135. WANG..ZHEN @wang-h-z (22 comments)

136. SHAU..SIEN @Hoodini231 (22 comments)

137. LEE .. HAO @LeeZeHao (22 comments)

138. ZEN .. KOH @Zenkoh1 (22 comments)

139. ZHAN.. JEM @AppleJem (22 comments)

140. QIN ..CHEN @QinHaichen12 (21 comments)

141. TOH .. HUI @yihuididi (21 comments)

142. YEO ..ENCE @Clarenceeey (21 comments)

143. NG E..SPER @casperngeen (21 comments)

144. SHAN.. TAY @Shantaa (21 comments)

145. TIMO.. TAN @teamotitan (21 comments)

146. KEER..THIK @keerthigkaarthik (21 comments)

147. RAFA..ANTO @izruff (21 comments)

148. YIM ..BING @yimjianbing (21 comments)

149. CHUA.. HEE @jason-chuah (20 comments)

150. HO Y..N QI @yanqiyqh (20 comments)

151. JAGD..NDAL @JagdeepSinghNUS (20 comments)

152. LINE.. GOH @linette-g (20 comments)

153. TANG..KIAT @jktang14 (20 comments)

154. TAN ..LIAN @weiliann (20 comments)

155. ONG ..EITH @keithxun (20 comments)

156. NG H..JING @hj235 (20 comments)

157. SKYL.. ZEE @skyl3-r (20 comments)

158. NG E..SWEN @Solomon0519 (20 comments)

159. TAN ..YING @zyng233 (20 comments)

160. ZHAN.. YAO @sayomaki (20 comments)

161. LYE ..EWIS @ghos7ie (19 comments)

162. NGIO.. BIN @HanB1n (19 comments)

163. NG K..HIAN @k-hian (19 comments)

164. KRIS..ARUN @LinkesV (19 comments)

165. KAN ..HONG @Fluffykan (19 comments)

166. OH C..ARON @kyouscrap (19 comments)

167. ADRI..IANG @AgentHagu (19 comments)

168. YAP ..KANG @SlothyCat (19 comments)

169. MUHA..SANI @zaidansani (19 comments)

170. LIM .. RUI @beginner-web-developer (19 comments)

171. WILL..AYAR @Wnayar (19 comments)

172. SAW .. WEN @shotnothing (18 comments)

173. KART..MAAR @prave1n (18 comments)

174. JOEY..I YI @jowhee3011 (18 comments)

175. AL R..AD A @AbdulrahmanAlRammah (17 comments)

176. AW J..RIAN @Chronoxy (17 comments)

177. YAO ..EJUN @testing1234567891011121314 (17 comments)

178. BEH .. JIE @wenjebs (17 comments)

179. JUN .. YIK @yikjunxian (17 comments)

180. MERV.. WEI @Teddayz (17 comments)

181. LIM ..NEST @LimErnest (17 comments)

182. ALBE..UTRA @hpcman (17 comments)

183. FUI .. MIN @Fui03 (17 comments)

184. JUST.. REN @yooplo (17 comments)

185. HE S.. SHI @lancehaha (17 comments)

186. WANG..XIYU @Wxy2003-xy (16 comments)

187. SAMU.. JIE @samuelthen (16 comments)

188. DANZ.. ZHE @DanzaSeah (16 comments)

189. CHEA.. IAN @IanCheah (16 comments)

190. ANG .. JUN @realqijun (16 comments)

191. ISAA.. ZAC @isaactodo (16 comments)

192. ADIB..ENDY @bigismols (16 comments)

193. LEI ..NWEN @Jianwen0451 (16 comments)

194. WONG.. HIN @waihin26 (16 comments)

195. WANG..JING @potaotototo (16 comments)

196. CHIN..LING @ylchin (16 comments)

197. NICH.. JIN @kaajinn (15 comments)

198. RIVE.. XIN @Oceankoh (15 comments)

199. HAN ..N YU @xhamyo (15 comments)

200. POH ..KANG @InfinityTwo (15 comments)

201. TEO ..HENG @yockcheng (15 comments)

202. MART..N NG @martout2002 (15 comments)

203. SOH ..KIAT @JovenSoh (15 comments)

204. HOO ..HING @hooyushing (15 comments)

205. SWAM..ISWA @SwaminathanViswa (15 comments)

206. NAYA..HESH @nayanaamahesh (15 comments)

207. ZHAN.. JUN @mongj (15 comments)

208. NG W..CENT @nws321 (15 comments)

209. SEAN..THAM @seantham21 (15 comments)

210. EYU ..G YI @EyuGongYi (15 comments)

211. TAN ..LONG @yiiilonggg (14 comments)

212. LYNE..YING @LynetteLeeSiYing (14 comments)

213. JONA..NHAO @jloh02 (14 comments)

214. SNOD..ETER @appleshill (14 comments)

215. SAMU..ENZE @SamuelFoo (14 comments)

216. GILB..NDAR @Gilbb (14 comments)

217. ZHAN..IANG @TheRareFox (14 comments)

218. IZZA..SHAM @ywllowsensor (14 comments)

219. LIM ..RYAN @ryenl (14 comments)

220. TEO ..IANG @Tkaixiang (14 comments)

221. COLI..XUAN @colinhia (14 comments)

222. P SH..ARAN @psh12320 (14 comments)

223. ELIN..G EE @Elinengu (14 comments)

224. LEE .. HUI @BlazeChron (14 comments)

225. TAY ..N YE @tayxuenye (14 comments)

226. WONG..ELLY @woke02 (14 comments)

227. CHAN..HANG @Zeepheru (14 comments)

228. NG Z.. RUI @slidings (14 comments)

229. GABR..INGS @gabriellegtw (14 comments)

230. TUNG.. ZUO @Darren-Tung (14 comments)

231. AMAD..SUMA @AmadeusEka (13 comments)

232. YU S..TONG @yu-sutong (13 comments)

233. LING..LONG @JunLongling (13 comments)

234. WINS..YANG @winstonlimjy (13 comments)

235. LIM ..HENG @rimgik (13 comments)

236. BRIA.. HAO @brianchoon (13 comments)

237. LEE ..N YU @JYL27 (13 comments)

238. TAN ..ENCE @clarud (13 comments)

239. SUHA..LEEM @suhayl13 (13 comments)

240. SHI ..YUAN @shizy (13 comments)

241. SEAN..DIAS @seandias (13 comments)

242. SEAH..A YI @JiaYi-Gallium369 (13 comments)

243. THEN.. KAI @jan-kai1 (13 comments)

244. KOH ..VERA @verakohh (13 comments)

245. ULRI..ANDO @ulricolo7 (13 comments)

246. AMIT..TURI @amitha2210 (13 comments)

247. CHAI..XUAN @celeschai (13 comments)

248. NG Y..STIA @kngys (13 comments)

249. AGAR..ITVI @ritvi12 (13 comments)

250. PARK..GSEO @youngseopark05 (13 comments)

251. TAN ..THAN @ethantyh692 (12 comments)

252. THEO.. LIM @obrona (12 comments)

253. ARVI..AJAN @DiegoTheExplorar (12 comments)

254. JOSH..MING @AlphaPyke (12 comments)

255. LOW .. BIN @OrangeCatLoves (12 comments)

256. JUST..CHEN @Justin-Yeo (12 comments)

257. SAMU.. LEE @sam-theman88 (12 comments)

258. BREN..GJIE @brendanng7 (12 comments)

259. NICH..IANG @niclammm (12 comments)

260. VINO..ILAN @noth-k (12 comments)

261. LIM ..ELLE @estellelim (12 comments)

262. WU X..TING @snowstopxt (12 comments)

263. SULT..KHIL @Timenikhil (12 comments)

264. CHUA.. HUI @cth06-Github (11 comments)

265. WONG..KERR @sheenkerr (11 comments)

266. LEE ..I YI @zhiyi12345 (11 comments)

267. LIM ..QUAN @limyuquan (11 comments)

268. ONG .. WEN @The0nlyJuan (11 comments)

269. TAN ..RIAN @adriantan101 (11 comments)

270. LIU ..UJIA @LiuYJ2002 (11 comments)

271. MA C..RIAN @bmanara (11 comments)

272. WANG..NGKE @ckaayy (11 comments)

273. LEE ..RELL @jerrelllee (11 comments)

274. CAI ..NZHI @thortol (11 comments)

275. CHAN..YLAN @choaticman (11 comments)

276. TAN .. JUN @JJtan2002 (11 comments)

277. CALE.. JIE @calebchongsj (11 comments)

278. JUAN..IERI @juancarlovieri (11 comments)

279. CHUA..CHIN @ckclion (11 comments)

280. DHAR..HWIN @sannie-beep (11 comments)

281. TAN ..JOHN @chrisjohntan (11 comments)

282. SONG..HYUN @hyxnnii (11 comments)

283. KELL..QING @kellywsq03 (11 comments)

284. SIDD..GALA @Siddardar (11 comments)

285. RACH.. MIN @rachelyeohm (11 comments)

286. SACH..GMAY @Vangmay (11 comments)

287. TEH ..CHUN @reginateh (11 comments)

288. RAYN.. YUH @rayray39 (10 comments)

289. ALEK..KWEK @AlekKwek18 (10 comments)

290. YAO ..IANG @publicmain (10 comments)

291. HUAN..IAXI @huangjiaxi1111 (10 comments)

292. DERR.. JUN @LemonDrew (10 comments)

293. SANK..NIAN @marraknas (10 comments)

294. ISAA..XIAN @ITZXITZX (10 comments)

295. DOMI..YUAN @dominic2412 (10 comments)

296. ONG ..TTIS @mattisongjj (10 comments)

297. CHEN..HENG @cshao02 (10 comments)

298. VINC.. JIE @vinceg4 (10 comments)

299. MARC.. LIM @marchjlim (10 comments)

300. CHIT..AIDU @Raghava-Chittidi (10 comments)

301. CHIA..ADAM @colinac (10 comments)

302. ALDE..KANG @aldentantan (10 comments)

303. LI S..IRUI @siriousguy (10 comments)

304. ADIT..ANDE @aditig0305 (10 comments)

305. NASY..JAYA @myrilla12 (10 comments)

306. DHRU..ARMA @shardhrv (10 comments)

307. DAVI..-YAM @kikokidayo (10 comments)

308. FENG..LONG @FYL2003 (10 comments)

309. CHEN..HONG @yizhong187 (10 comments)

310. KAKK..IRRA @Nihirraa (10 comments)

311. KEVI..TING @kevin-pek (9 comments)

312. HANS..JUNG @hansneddyanto (9 comments)

313. LEON..HANE @stephaneleong (9 comments)

314. TIEW..XUAN @fymbc (9 comments)

315. ZHOU..NGYE @zhou-colla (9 comments)

316. PAIN..KYAW @MinkhantEain (9 comments)

317. CHUA..HENG @yuanchengg (9 comments)

318. GHOS..ITYA @adipanda2002 (9 comments)

319. DOMI.. JUN @dominopizzaaaa (9 comments)

320. JOSH.. KIT @Professional-Procrastinat0r (9 comments)

321. TAN ..KEAN @Edsel-Tan (9 comments)

322. JAYD..HENG @Jayden-Kim-NUS (9 comments)

323. NICH..KEAT @NicholasT1 (9 comments)

324. MAXI.. JUN @miloaisdino (9 comments)

325. JAYN.. KAI @Jaynon (9 comments)

326. KANG..HARY @zackjh (9 comments)

327. SIM ..AVIS @travisim (9 comments)

328. TERE.. WEN @TerenceWongsExtravaganza (9 comments)

329. SUBR..RISH @Ponharish (9 comments)

330. CHUA.. SUN @chongsun2002 (9 comments)

331. THAM..IANG @tyxiangs (9 comments)

332. NGUY..OANG @blackpanther9229 (9 comments)

333. COLL..U QI @tanyqcollin (9 comments)

334. NIHA..MESH @nihalramesh12629 (9 comments)

335. PRAD..ASAD @pradyuprasad (9 comments)

336. TOH .. HAN @tohjh (9 comments)

337. BHUD..ANIT @JumpyJay (9 comments)

338. CHIN..YUEN @Arren11111 (9 comments)

339. NG Y.. YEE @yyanyee (9 comments)

340. KOH ..ERAN @FriedCabbageSalad (9 comments)

341. YANG..MING @hm-yang1 (9 comments)

342. CHAR..YING @charlenetcy (9 comments)

343. CHOI..YEOK @choiwab (9 comments)

344. NON ..ANON @tata32000 (8 comments)

345. ABIC..ARAN @thenosewizard (8 comments)

346. YEE ..HWEE @yanhwee (8 comments)

347. CHUA..N YU @chuajunyu (8 comments)

348. ZHOU..ZIBO @zzibo (8 comments)

349. LERO..IANG @leroytan (8 comments)

350. LIM ..RYAN @rynlwhh (8 comments)

351. MUHA..HAIK @saajidshaik02 (8 comments)

352. SAY ..LENN @sayglenn (8 comments)

353. LI M..YANG @mingyang143 (8 comments)

354. SHUC..RRYL @shuckycheese (8 comments)

355. LIM .. BIN @weibinlim (8 comments)

356. CHON.. WEI @xinweichong (8 comments)

357. TOH ..HUAN @t-leongchuan (8 comments)

358. JALE..XIAN @Jalenleeruixian (8 comments)

359. LEE ..THEW @flyingsalsa (8 comments)

360. XAN ..N NG @voldiemort (8 comments)

361. TEE ..HONG @RadieonAjax (8 comments)

362. RITH..ENIN @rithiklenin (8 comments)

363. ISAA..HONG @IsaacPangTH (8 comments)

364. TEO ..EONG @tckeong (8 comments)

365. TEA .. HAO @JellyPenguinnn (8 comments)

366. SIOW..MING @ruiming97 (8 comments)

367. TEO ..U QI @kimberlytmq (8 comments)

368. ANG ..N XU @zienxu (8 comments)

369. JUST.. RUI @Justincjr (8 comments)

370. QIAO..OWEN @bbryant824 (8 comments)

371. WEE .. LIN @jolwnn (8 comments)

372. SOH ..ARON @xGladiate (8 comments)

373. CHOO..IANG @yixianggg (8 comments)

374. TEE .. RUI @currynia (8 comments)

375. CHIA..A YE @jiayr99 (8 comments)

376. EMMA.. WEI @emmannyyy (7 comments)

377. JIN ..STON @WinstonJin (7 comments)

378. AVRI..XUAN @avrilmohh (7 comments)

379. LIM .. WEI @LimKaiWei (7 comments)

380. GAVI..CHEN @GavinSin (7 comments)

381. HANS..LANO @hanscau (7 comments)

382. CHUA.. LIN @ossaris56 (7 comments)

383. WU Z..NGFU @wuzengfu (7 comments)

384. LAI ..NIEL @starchypotatocode (7 comments)

385. KUIK..HENG @kuiktzecheng (7 comments)

386. RYAN.. HAN @RyanWarwick (7 comments)

387. WU J..NHAN @WuJinhan1 (7 comments)

388. SEAN..U XI @SeanWong2 (7 comments)

389. STAN..HENG @stanleytangzh (7 comments)

390. KART..ARAM @karthickkc (7 comments)

391. WANG..THAN @ethanwangkangen (7 comments)

392. VARU..UKLA @Shux347 (7 comments)

393. AW J..STIN @Justin-Aw46 (7 comments)

394. RODR..ARON @Runus01 (7 comments)

395. SOON..HUGH @gnoossk (7 comments)

396. WONG..JOHN @Johnwz123 (7 comments)

397. CHIA..KANG @chiangqinkang (7 comments)

398. TUSH..NWAR @tanwartushar (7 comments)

399. TAN ..YANG @jeanyang04 (7 comments)

400. NATH..G YI @RobotWizzard (7 comments)

401. CHAN..RIEL @GabrielCWT (7 comments)

402. NIGE..IANG @nigellqx (7 comments)

403. VARA..HUNA @miuna9890 (7 comments)

404. MAEG..I EN @maertan (7 comments)

405. LIN ..MINE @jasmiinee (7 comments)

406. TSEN..U EN @tzuennn (7 comments)

407. MALH..RNAV @arnav12344 (7 comments)

408. YASW..LURI @yastsc (7 comments)

409. LI Y..UEYI @yyueyii (7 comments)

410. KELL..A QI @Bonzzz3 (7 comments)

411. HUAN..NING @Kitty-001 (7 comments)

412. ASVE..ASAN @ashea10 (7 comments)

413. CHIN..K YI @ChinSekYi (6 comments)

414. CHAN..HAEL @Rachael-Chan (6 comments)

415. HAST..ANTI @hazzle23 (6 comments)

416. TAN .. YAP @SooYap (6 comments)

417. QUEK..HENG @QuekBingHeng (6 comments)

418. ALTH.. RUI @althea28 (6 comments)

419. JIAN..N YI @jian7490 (6 comments)

420. SNG ..IREE @dez2003 (6 comments)

421. REN ..PENG @GuanpengR (6 comments)

422. MANT.. WEI @M-kew (6 comments)

423. TAN .. ZHI @W3iZhi (6 comments)

424. THNG..ANIA @taniathng (6 comments)

425. CHIA..REMY @jeremychiaaaaa (6 comments)

426. PATC..UMAR @yugan01 (6 comments)

427. ANTH..ANTO @thony-ui (6 comments)

428. ISAA..XUAN @frymash (6 comments)

429. NIGE.. YOU @Nigeltzy (6 comments)

430. YUVR..INGH @yuvrajaryan (6 comments)

431. YIOW..OONG @CreditableX (6 comments)

432. YEO ..ORGE @george-yeo (6 comments)

433. TAN ..OTTO @OttoTan (6 comments)

434. CHEW..RMAN @SherChew27 (6 comments)

435. SAMU..G EN @slye20 (6 comments)

436. SIAH..EVAN @Jollybomber (6 comments)

437. DARY..BOON @DKHB0207 (6 comments)

438. DING..I HE @oneBoz (6 comments)

439. TSEN.. CHE @ttzuche (6 comments)

440. ANTH..FENG @antgyf (6 comments)

441. IGNA.. OEY @ignatiusoey09 (6 comments)

442. JEVA..I EN @jevan13 (6 comments)

443. HOVA.. MAN @hovanleong (6 comments)

444. LING.. YAN @LingZiyann (6 comments)

445. TAN ..QUAN @xqtann (6 comments)

446. NATH..SHEW @nathanshew (6 comments)

447. LIM .. RUI @limjeremy496 (6 comments)

448. KHAN.. RAJ @yxshrk (6 comments)

449. LUTF..IZAL @lutfir-cpu (6 comments)

450. EDWI..HUNG @Edwin1022 (6 comments)

451. TAN ..NDON @btbrandon (6 comments)

452. LUCA..LONG @yikyak02 (6 comments)

453. WU B..OJIN @wubojin (6 comments)

454. GARE..ARNG @raageth (6 comments)

455. SOH ..AVIN @gavinsoh (6 comments)

456. AMEL..LENG @achl1012 (6 comments)

457. KIMA..JARI @kimxw (6 comments)

458. TAN ..A EN @jiaaaaen (6 comments)

459. CLAR..XUAN @clarissatjx (6 comments)

460. GARG..ANYA @lavanyagarg112 (6 comments)

461. SUN ..YANG @ArtillerySun (6 comments)

462. GOEL..RNAV @Arnaxx54 (6 comments)

463. WONG.. HAN @WeiHanWong (5 comments)

464. LOW ..I SI @LowXiSi (5 comments)

465. VICE..AKHA @vicelyav (5 comments)

466. SUGI..UJIN @jinnsuke (5 comments)

467. DAVI.. KAI @davidgohzk (5 comments)

468. TAN .. HAN @taggyhan (5 comments)

469. BRYA.. HOE @bryanckh (5 comments)

470. DENO..ZONG @SSirMentos (5 comments)

471. PRAV..VITA @Anvita2110 (5 comments)

472. ANG ..XUAN @AngPengXuan (5 comments)

473. HRIS..NDAL @Virusrwj223 (5 comments)

474. YEOH..N YI @yhanyi (5 comments)

475. MUHA..LLAH @raihahahan (5 comments)

476. JERE..N AN @jtooya (5 comments)

477. REID.. ONG @reidenong (5 comments)

478. SPAR..UMAR @justsparsh (5 comments)

479. YANG..FENG @YangQF2002 (5 comments)

480. CHON..ZHAO @chongtzezhao (5 comments)

481. HARI..RFAN @Haris-Irfan (5 comments)

482. HARI..ZLAN @harithh07 (5 comments)

483. YAO ..COLN @Plishh (5 comments)

484. LER ..N YI @junyi73 (5 comments)

485. JARR..HENG @jarrellc1 (5 comments)

486. NEO .. KAI @KiKuasaurus (5 comments)

487. JORD..CHAN @naythee169 (5 comments)

488. CHEN..IHAO @chengzihao123 (5 comments)

489. TAN ..XUAN @yxtan02 (5 comments)

490. ZHEN..HENG @Xczheng0105 (5 comments)

491. ALEZ.. JIE @Al-ez (5 comments)

492. CHIN.. JAK @darkmoongreatsword (5 comments)

493. LERO.. KIT @leroychiu20 (5 comments)

494. ONG ..RREN @O-Darren (5 comments)

495. CHUA..SUAN @FlyingDonkeys (5 comments)

496. LIM ..AMIN @benjiBase (5 comments)

497. SOO .. TAO @sooyitao (5 comments)

498. CHAN..NESH @DINESH1201 (5 comments)

499. AMOS..N EE @amoschee (5 comments)

500. ETHA.. ERN @ethan-goh (5 comments)

501. ALQA..IR A @Eru111 (5 comments)

502. SAND..LUYO @sandyk0105 (5 comments)

503. VINC..YONG @vinc3leong (5 comments)

504. AW M..G YI @MingYiAw (5 comments)

505. CAI ..NXIN @Rachelcoll (5 comments)

506. AGAR..IDDH @samriddh2145 (5 comments)

507. GOEL..RNAV @arnav-goel10 (5 comments)

508. CHEN..I YU @ChenLeiyu (5 comments)

509. ZON .. HUN @zlch (5 comments)

510. ZWE ..ZEYA @ZweZeya (5 comments)

511. CHEN..N LE @chenle228 (5 comments)

512. IVAN..U EN @kohkakohla (5 comments)

513. JESS..TEJA @jessica2828 (5 comments)

514. LEOW..OLYN @jolynleow2301 (5 comments)

515. TANG..LIOT @elliot-tang (5 comments)

516. TAN .. XIN @apollo-tan (5 comments)

517. JOSH..ITYA @thisisaditya17 (5 comments)

518. GARG..JESH @maahir-garg (5 comments)

519. NATH..PING @natlv (5 comments)

520. SARA..I EN @sarahteonin (5 comments)

521. LATH..IVYA @devivy (5 comments)

522. LIU ..INZE @YINZE66 (5 comments)

523. LU R..JIAN @RuijianLu (5 comments)

524. SARA..HANI @rithanisk (5 comments)

525. QIU ..HANG @jhqiu21 (5 comments)

526. LOU ..NZHI @zzzlou (5 comments)

527. HE Y..HENG @Dino-Nuggies (4 comments)

528. TAN ..RIEL @1st2GetThisName (4 comments)

529. MOHA..IRUL @Meowloid (4 comments)

530. LI H..IXIN @LiHaixin000 (4 comments)

531. TYAG..ARVA @ty4g1 (4 comments)

532. DOMI..IANG @Dominic-Khoo (4 comments)

533. TAY ..LIAN @juliantayyc (4 comments)

534. LI Y..TONG @yu7ong (4 comments)

535. TRAN..C MY @trpmy (4 comments)

536. YEOH..G YI @accountexeregister (4 comments)

537. MAU .. WEI @wassilililily (3 comments)

538. TEO ..JEWI @jewiteo (3 comments)

539. KIM ..YEOK @zzawook (3 comments)

540. BRAN..KIAT @MiloTruck (3 comments)

541. LOW ..HENG @BuffWuff1712 (3 comments)

542. ZHAN..YUAN @volleyballkickedme (3 comments)

543. CHOO..XIAN @chashaobao123 (3 comments)

544. DYLA..FUNG @Potatoad88 (3 comments)

545. HE M..NHAO @minhao23 (2 comments)

546. MURA..UTHI @Shruthiiii03 (2 comments)

547. HU H.. RUI @muller317 (2 comments)

548. LOW ..EWEN @oolongwater (2 comments)

549. GAN ..YICK @ItsMeNengYi (2 comments)

550. AUDI..ANTO @audipras (2 comments)

551. WU J..AWEI @wujiaweijoanna (2 comments)

552. CHOI.. HAO @yyihaoc (2 comments)

553. AGAR..SHAN @ishan-agarwal-05 (2 comments)

554. CHUA..SUAN @kahsuann (1 comments)

555. LEE ..HONG @hogretup (1 comments)

556. CALE..YONG @calebyyy (1 comments)

557. CHAN..N YU @G-Y-Chan (1 comments)

558. JASO.. JIE @Sornsornah (1 comments)

559. CHEW..HONN @zeonchew0324 (1 comments)

560. NICH..XUAN @Nicholascyx (1 comments)

561. SING..UMAR @ritulkrsingh (1 comments)

562. CALE..XUAN @superb-sushi (1 comments)

563. WANG..NYAN @YANYAN-w (0 comments)

564. BREN..YANG @Brendan8899 (0 comments)

565. CHEN..RYAN @bryancheny (0 comments)

566. DO G..HIEN @mrnobody0505 (0 comments)

567. KIM ..NHUI @munhuikim (0 comments)

568. ANG ..RCUS @marcusjhang (0 comments)

569. CHUA..JIE) @NicholasCWK (0 comments)

570. LIM ..TONG @lim-jt (0 comments)

571. KUSH.. DAS @kushaldas27 (0 comments)

572. SOH ..RWIN @meerkatboy (0 comments)

573. SUBR..EYAN @SKarthikeyan28 (0 comments)

574. PARK..OUNG @Judy1x4 (0 comments)

575. AXEL..ANTO @shinichi04 (0 comments)

576. ENG .. HAN @engyuhan (0 comments)

577. PATO..ISHA @triishaa (0 comments)